Custom synthesis services from PrepChem we are specialized in small organic structures and has a background in medicinal and synthetic organic chemistry. We offer custom synthesis for small molecular entities/ heterocycles as building blocks, compound libraries for high-throughput screening, and bio-active inhibitors for research purposes, and more...
Our field of expertise:
PrepChem can produce high quality custom synthesis projects on scales from milligrams to multi-kilograms all of which come complete with a full certificate of analysis (HPLC, MS, NMR, FTIR).
Custom synthesis at PrepChem in only 4 steps.
After sending your request we will analyze the synthetic route of a compound. Based on our findings we will send you a quote with a competitive price.
You can simply order our custom synthesis service by accepting the quotation and sending an official purchase order. We will then process the order and start the synthesis.
When we have successfully produced and analyzed the product we will ship the goods. After receiving the goods we will send the invoice with our payment terms.
Fill in the form on the right side of the page to send us your request. High quality molecules from milligrams to multi-kilograms all of which come complete with a full certificate of analysis (HPLC, MS, NMR, FTIR).
There is no pre-payment to our services. After you have send us a request to evaluate we will offer you a price in an official quote. If you are interested in purchasing our services you simply send your purchase order and we will start the synthesis.
During the process we will keep you up-to-date and inform about the progress. Once the compound is successfully made we ship it to your location together with an invoice with 30 days payment term.
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