There are only a few databases related to the synthetic chemistry at the moment. Some of them, such as SciFinder, SPRESI, etc. are very useful to locate synthesis of organic/ inorganic compounds or related information (suppliers, biological or physical properties). However, only a few databases such as OrgSyn, Heterocycles are currently providing synthesis for free. Undoubtedly, OrgSyn and other websites are very useful in providing the synthesis for organic compounds, however, the data in these databases is very limited.
We created a freely accessible website of organic and inorganic chemicals with synthesis references that are not limited to a few journals. We are not able to compete with other databases like SciFinder, SPRESI, etc. But we aim to build the biggest database with the synthesis of organic/inorganic compounds available on the Internet free of charge.
Without your help we are not able to expand the synthesis procedure as fast as we would like. You can make a contribution by submitting your synthesis description, helping to expand the synthesis procedure accessible to everybody.
Just use the synthesis submission form at
We would be grateful if you share your synthesis procedure for organic/ inorganic compounds with references.
Any suggestions and/or corrections are welcome. Thank you very much for your efforts. If you have any further questions, please contact us at
Sincerely yours team
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